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Home Remodeling Blog

Costly Mistakes to Avoid in Your Highland Park Kitchen Remodel

By Bryan Slowick | Jan 25, 2017

Approaching major remodeling projects can be intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be. So long as you do your research and plan ahead, you can easily avoid roadblocks along the way. Here are some common and costly mistakes to keep in mind as you move toward your kitchen remodel.

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Plan Ahead for a Big Head Start

The most common mistake homeowners make in remodeling their kitchens is changing directions half way through renovation. It sounds obvious, but planning ahead is the best way to avoid incurring large and unforeseen costs.

What may be unexpected here is that the tendency to change directions during remodeling doesn’t always stem from the homeowner having a change of heart. Instead, most owners really don’t know what their plan will look like until it is physically in front of them.

This is where using 3D computer imaging is essential to project success. Don’t rely on blueprints or 2D computer plans alone. In the long run, you will save a lot of time and money by ensuring that you are satisfied with a virtual prototype of your plan before you begin construction.

Finally, work with a design build company to help in this planning process. One of the best decisions you can make is to rely on their expertise. Remember that a trusted design build company have been in hundreds of homes and layouts and have been integral in their design process. They will know how to design spaces with both high functionality and appeal. So balance your intuition against their expertise.

Don’t Lose the Big Picture

When designing your Highland Park kitchen remodel, it can be tempting to get caught up in designing your perfect kitchen. But remember, that kitchen may not be so perfect if it doesn’t flow with the rooms around it. Unless you are planning to remodel your entire home, never consider any space in isolation from its surroundings.

This is where working with a designer within a design build company is again a must. Big picture considerations like room flow must be measured alongside smaller details like material and color selection. One change to a small detail, like backsplash tile color or texture, may alter the way your counter tops work with your cabinetry and how your cabinetry complements your flooring.

Go Big or Go Home

The last common and costly mistake people make is being overly conservative with their remodel changes. If you try to make conservative appliance or material upgrades that don’t address your kitchen’s overall layout deficiencies, you may be disappointed to find yourself desiring a second remodel. This doesn’t mean you need to blow your budget, but it does mean that betting on half-baked changes to change your satisfaction usually doesn’t work. Choosing materials is yet another area in which a trusted design build company can guide you and help in the decision making.

Find a Trusted Remodeling Company

The final, and probably best way to avoid costly mistakes is find a trusted remodeling company to partner with during your remodel. Most costly mistakes can be avoided with careful planning. So when interviewing potential remodeling companies in the North Shore Chicago area, ask questions about their overall planning process. Finding a company like BDS Design Build Remodel, you’ll have the luxury of working with an owner who is both an architect and a contractor as well as a team boasting an in-house designer. Consulting now saves money later.

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Tags: Home Remodeling Chicago North Shore, Remodeling Investment, Kitchen Remodeling Chicago North Shore

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