Chicago North Shore Home Remodeling Blog

3 Home Safety Tips This Holiday Season

Written by Bryan Slowick | Dec 14, 2018

The holidays are a joyful time spent with family and friends cherishing our shared time and memories. But they can also be dangerous if you're not managing your home safety seasonally or annually. We want you to enjoy your holidays without having to think twice about your home's safety.

Tip #1: Change the Batteries in Your Smoke Detectors

Winter has a way of drying our homes like no other season. Between running a furnace 24/7, using our fireplaces as a source of warmth, leaving candles glowing all day long, and bringing a dry, flammable tree as a decoration for weeks at a time, our homes can quickly become targets for fires.

Keep everyone in your home safe and change the batteries in your smoke detectors. The holidays pose as the perfect annual reminder to change your batteries as well. Simply find a sturdy ladder, twist your smoke detector, and release the pin to free your detector from the ceiling. Depending on how old your smoke detector is, your batteries may be located on the top or on the side.

Watch this quick how-to video to learn more!



Tip #2: Take Care of Holiday Lights

Part of the festivity of the season is adding lights to your home decor - interior and exterior When it comes to making sure your holiday lights are safe, we have several tips for you to consider.

  • Check lights for certifications before purchasing. Make sure your strings of lights are certified and safe!
  • Check your light strings for frayed ends or breakages. Lights can easily be damaged while in storage, and it's important to make sure that all cords and bulbs are in tact to avoid sparking!
  • Don't "daisy-chain" your extension cords. Each extension cord should be plugged directly into an outlet - not into one another for more reach. This can create dangerous surges and outages.
  • Avoid peak electricity usage times. Keep your holiday lights on a timer and set them for after peak usage times. 7PM is a great starting time, and aim to have them off before you fall asleep. This includes both indoor and outdoor lights!


Tip #3: Consider Little Ones (including pets) When Decorating

We love to decorate our home for the holidays. It's a fun tradition that includes the whole family - but we always carefully consider any guests or little ones when making our decorating decisions.

  • Old decorations may contain lead paint. Keep any painted decorations that you can't guarantee don't have lead paint out of reach of little ones and animals.
  • Consider keeping glass ornaments and decorations higher up. Avoid any injuries or broken decor placing glass ornaments higher on the tree or completely out of reach for those exploring your home.
  • Poinsettias must be kept out of reach. While festive, these plants are mildly toxic to animals and can cause harm such as rashes, nausea, and more.

Beyond simply safe for the holidays, your home should be a haven away from all the stress of the season. Is your home causing more stress than it's absolving? We can help - and we take home design very seriously. At BDS Design Build, we focus on crafting a seamless experience and space for every family we work with. Learn more about our process, or let us know you're interested.